All PICs from China Postcard, Flickr
“辛亥革命是指发生于1911年,又名“双十革命”。辛亥革命成功颠覆了清朝的统治,结束了中国长达五千多年的帝制,开启了民主共和新纪元。在中国农历的干支纪年法中,1911年为辛亥年,故称辛亥革命。辛亥革命的口号为“驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,建立民国,平均地权”。辛亥革命,指的是由1911年10月10日夜里爆发的武昌起义,至1912年元旦孙中山就职中华民国临时大总统这一段时间的历史。“ 摘自维基百科。
“1911 Revolution or the Chinese Revolution, began with the Wuchang Uprising on October 10, 1911 and ended with the abdication of Emperor Puyi on February 12, 1912. The primary parties to the conflict were the Imperial forces of the Qing Dynasty, and the revolutionary forces of the Chinese Revolutionary Alliance. The Revolution was motivated by anger at corruption in the Qing government. The Revolution was the first attempt to establish a republic in China that managed to successfully oust the previous government.” From Wikipedia |